SAMI (Safer Airway Management in Intensive Care)

SAMI is an inter-professional course that aims to improve the safety of patients during airway management in an intensive care environment, through staff education. This page provides all the information you need to run a course at your own hospital.


In March 2011 the 4th National Audit Project (NAP4) found a disproportionate number of reported airway events occurred on ICUs. Inadequacies in education and training were felt to contribute in 58% of adverse events .

In response to this, the Greater Manchester Critical Care Network developed a multi-disciplinary team training day on safe airway management in ICU (The SAMI Course). The course was designed to meet the individual learning needs of the multi-disciplinary team by providing information and experience relevant to their role in airway management on ICU

The SAMI course

The SAMI course is a one day inter-professional course for intensive care staff. The aims of the SAMI study day are to

  •  improve patient safety when intubating on ICU
  • develop the inter-professional team skills required for airway management of the critically ill patient
  • initially to train key people across the region with the aim of creating a core of skilled people to distribute it to their own trusts

By the end of the course all candidates should be confident to undertake their role in

  • an emergency intubation on ICU
  •  a difficult intubation situation on ICU
  •  a can’t intubate, can’t ventilate situation on ICU

The course involves

  • On-line e-learning (to be completed prior to the course)
  • Pre and post course reflection (the pre course reflection should be completed prior to the course)
  • Practical stations covering airway equipment and skills
  • Interactive discussion on human factors
  • Simulated scenarios

Local courses

One of the aims of the SAMI course is to train key people across the region with the aim of creating a core of skilled people to distribute it to their own trusts. This material provided has been designed to facilitate individual units to run their own SAMI course locally and increase the number of staff who have access to airway training at a consistent quality.


SAMI pre-course tutorial

Please complete on line tutorial & pre course reflection before SAMI study day

To view resources please click here

SAMI scenarios

includes RSI, difficult airway and 'can't intubate, can't ventilate' scenarios

To view resources please click here

SAMI lectures

Introduction to SAMI and Human factors

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Practical stations

includes equipment lists for practical stations

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SAMI Resources

includes B@EASE checklist, DAS guidelines, NAP 4

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Suggested timetables for SAMI day

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SAMI post course reflection & feedback

Contains evaluation form, post course reflection & course certificates

To view resources please click here