Interested in setting up an AIM licence-agreement?
Before applying to set up an agreement, it is advisable to complete the AIM for new centres form which guides you through the process of considering how the course will be supported within your organisation
To deliver the course you will need
- a Licence Signatory – this will be someone who can take responsibility for the course to be supported at senior level
- an AIM Champion who will take responsibility for all AIM activity within the organisation
- an AIM Lead for each type of course (one of these may also be the organisational AIM Champion)
- faculty willing and able to support the delivery of the course
- training facilities and equipment
The organisation is agreeing to local delivery of the course in accordance with the terms of the AIM Licence Agreement and AIM Quality Strategy document produced by the AIM Advisory Group, and to respect the copyright of the materials
Copies of these documents can be found here:
Example licence agreement
AIM Quality Strategy
A valid licence-agreement entitles the licence-holding organisation to any of our AIM courses. Separate licences are not required for each course